Sign up to help equip students in our community throughLEAP 1-Day!
The students will Learn, Experience, and Apprentice in specialized workshops and be provided Preparation for real life as well.
This is a missions trip to our own community to not only equip students with skills, but to share the love of Jesus with them.
This 1-Day program provides students currently in 6th grade thru 12th grade to participate in a preview of LEAP prior to Summer 2025 LEAP Week.
Volunteers are essential to make this program successful!
Date: Saturday, March 15, 2025 Volunteers must commit to the full day (8am-5pm) and Friday, March 14th Volunteer Training at 6pm (dinner provided). *Food team volunteers will have the option to be a food drop off volunteer or they may be an on-site food serving volunteer for breakfast or lunch (Clearances are needed for on-site volunteers not drop off volunteers). *Post Leap Clean up team arrives AFTER Leap students are dismissed (clearances not needed).
Cost for this local Mission Trip:$15
(The cost of this local missions trip contributes to meals, t-shirts, and various student needs.)
Bridge students grades 6th-12th may ATTEND LEAP.
Bridge students in grades 10th-12th grade are encouraged to volunteer.
All volunteers are required to attend the LEAP Training on Friday, March 14th at 6pm. Dinner will be provided.