
Youth Summer Workshops!

Save the date!

July 22-26, 2024

7-12 Graders

Take a Leap and Join us this Summer!

Dates: July 22-26

Monday - Friday: 8:30am-3:30pm

Friday: Family Open House 4pm-6pm

Location: Bridge Community Church

983 Allentown Rd, Lansdale, PA

Cost: $100

Financial assistance available please email leap@bridgecomchurch.org

Register Here


LEAP is a weeklong Summer Youth Workshop Series. This is for 7th - 12th graders who are interested in developing their culinary skills, diving into the world of music technology, trying out machine sewing, learning about early childhood development,  exploring improv dramedy, experimenting in STEM, building skills in under construction, studying automotive repair, and having a lot of fun!

During the week students will: Learn skills during their specific workshop. Experience new friendships and relationships. Students will be an Apprentice to skilled qualified leaders in each field. Finally, our goal is to help Prepare students for life. 

Each morning, the students will be involved in the workshop that they choose to focus on for the week. In the afternoons, students will be learning skills for life. Afternoon sessions will include managing finances, coping skills, and other skills that promote a wholistic healthy life.


Each student will chose a workshop for the morning sessions. Learn about our workshop options below!

  • Automotive, salvage, & repair

    This will be a 'get your hands dirty' workshop that includes general automotive repair projects, maintenance and safety tips. Students will learn how a car is built and environmentally friendly ways to recycle its parts through salvage and resale.  They will disassemble a vehicle, discuss how the parts work, and organize inventory for local and online sales. Students will also help refurbish and repair a vehicle that will be given to a local family in our community, once completed.

  • caretaking and child development

    Are you interested in becoming the best babysitter you can be? Are you hoping to work with kids as a lifeguard or camp counselor? Are you planning to go to college for education, social work, or counseling? Join the LEAP Caretaking and Child Development workshop! We will learn about developmental milestones for children 0-5 years old, safety when caring for young children, and activities to do with children of different ages. At the end of the week, we will have an opportunity to watch the children of LEAP volunteers which will allow us to put into practice everything we learned all week.

  • culinary

    Have you ever wondered what makes a meal truly memorable? Imagine your favorite meal; the colors, taste, texture, aroma, and atmosphere. Together, we will explore culinary techniques, nutritious ingredients, dining etiquette, pairing flavor profiles, and much more as we journey through LEAP's Culinary workshop! 

  • improv dramedy

    Love spontaneous comedy?  Like making people laugh?  This LEAP workshop will introduce the basics of improv and provide an opportunity to put those principles into practice through improv games. We will develop plots (both serious and funny), characters, and dialogue which will all be created in the moment. This spontaneous art ensures no improv show will ever be the same as the next. No acting experience is necessary. Come as you are and create the unexpected!

  • machine sewing

    Students will learn to sew by making four projects that build their sewing skills over the week:  a placemat to be donated to Meals on Wheels, a hot pad as a thank you gift to the person whose machine they used during the week, a fabric bin that will be useful in organizing their own room at home and finally, a zipper pouch made from a very unique, upcycled and fun “fabric.”   The pouch can be used to take home and store the basic sewing supplies they used throughout the week.  These projects will give them experience in simple quilt making/home dec sewing, working with fabrics stabilized with different products, making gussets (very useful in bag making) as well as inserting zippers.  Along the way, topics will be discussed such as differences in fabrics, sewing machine upkeep, what to look for when shopping for a sewing machine with ideas to find reasonably priced machines, and how to read a pattern.  They will go home with patterns for the projects made in class as well as some extra patterns that can be made with the skills they learned.

  • music technology & podcasting

    Music technology encompasses the composition, recording, and playback of music. During this LEAP workshop we will learn to edit music tracks and create our own music using Logic Pro X and Ableton. Students will understand the basics of these programs, know how to use MIDI and learn the basics of Mics. Students will also learn how to create and post a podcast.

  • STEM (engineering)

    The Engineering Track for the 2023 LEAP Program will give student’s exposure to Physical Science principals in a fun and engaging setting. Understanding the relationship of mass, velocity and forces on a simple projectile, students will gain hands-on experience learning about propulsion and the application of aerodynamic design that utilizes all four S.T.E.M disciplines.

  • under 'construction'

    This is a 'hands on’ workshop, designed to teach a few of the basic skills of building construction.  This workshop is still “under construction” but will highlight a few of the foundational trades that are part of the building process to create a final project everyone can be proud of.  More details will be coming soon!